
You always complain that my soft hands are on fire
Sweat building into the inner thigh of your jeans
But when you drive alone, I know you turn on the heated seat as it's on the next time I borrow your car
When you get tired hours before I come to bed, you put your mountain of pillows around you to simulate companionship
But when I finally come crawling in, the last thing you need is my furnace giving your back the first degree
All of my dreams nowadays are of our journey together
And after all the treacherous climbs to the top of your tower of lies, you'd think the thin, cool air of the clouds would have cooled my skin
The rocky grip of your stone facade should have long calloused my hands
But at the top, the window into your soul is still barricaded shut
Will you ever let me in?
A strong wind always seems to knock me from your perch right as my fist touches the glass.
As I start to fall, I thought I saw your head turn, but I may never know if you knew I was trying to get your attention
Our winding road forces us forward, though the car is stuck in neutral
Like we're slipping on the ice of your heart
I'm gripping the steering wheel staring at white knuckles through clenched teeth
Wondering if I'm helping at all
The journey seemingly unaffected by any of my actions, but I hope somehow my voice is coming through
I've programmed your radio to hear my futile cries babe, now all you have to do is hit the button.
Sitting in a silent room together, with so many words screaming in our heads
Our eternal sin is our miscommunication
Our relationship Kincaid is more of a Pollock
I get the feeling you want me to be okay with you not being okay, that it's okay and eventually we'll be okay
But as my hands ache from the sledgehammer, the rain rinses the blood exposing the cracks in my once innocent palms
And I can't help but convince myself that the stones at the bottom of your tower have moved.
Maybe I'm busting through after all.
Time will tell if I'm just kidding myself
But until then: Everything will be okay.


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