The Little Ones

They can't see how frail I am
The little ones behind me, too young to forge their own path
Expecting me to guide them 
But I can't let them see me glancing at the map
Fearful of what lies ahead
But they can't know I haven't been down this road before
The sounds startle the little ones
But if I jump, the little anxious hands will only tremble more
So I internalize my fear
Oh, they focus on my every move and twitch
I must protect the little ones
And guide them through this wondrous world without a hitch
If even one foul finger were to slip by me
And graze a little cheek
The seed of doubt would be planted
The fear, and acknowledgement of being weak
So stay close, little ones
For there's nothing we can't conquer together
But keep your eyes focused
Cause I know I can't be here to protect you forever.
You're only a little one for so long
And soon you'll have to forge your own way
You'll grow your own insecurities
Yet steady, your nerves will need to stay
For when my journey ends
You will have to step out into the dark
The next few steps you take
Will determine how your story will start
So stay calm, and make sure your bearing is true
And always remember:
The little ones are watching you.


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