Carter's Mark - Chapter 4

Chapter 4: An Old Acquaintance

            It was nearing midnight, three days after being released from the hospital.  Seth had spent time gathering information about his near fatal injuries, how he had been shot, and that no one knew who was behind the two 6mm bullet casings that were on file at the police station.  6mm pistols were rare nowadays, ever since the creation of the 8mm and now 9mm pistols.  There were only a handful of gun shops in the Savannah area, and after an extensive bit of research, Seth found that only two gun shops in a 100 mile radius carried 6mm ammunition in the last five years.  One was in the nearby town of  Hinesville, GA, and the other was a shop named Mack’s Gun Shop, much closer than the first.  Seth had planned to go to the nearby gun store first thing the next morning, and he felt it was a pivotal step towards finding the person or group of people responsible for his condition.  If only he could remember…

            As he lay in his hotel room, staring up at the ceiling, he went over what he had learned.  First, there was the encounter with the woman in a nearby grocery store who recognized him.  She had no information about his wife’s whereabouts, but was able to give him an address for one of his former colleagues, John Underwood, who Seth remembered to have been in contact with the day of the shooting.  Aside from the bullets, and the two gun shops, this was his only progress, but at least it was something.

            He awoke the next morning, and after a shower and a few necessary hygienic duties, set off for Underwood’s house.  When he arrived at the two story A-frame house in a seemingly quiet neighborhood, it started to rain.  Seth hadn’t been in rain for four years, and though he slept through most of it, he had forgotten what it felt like.  He took a second to take it in before walking up to the door, and giving it three knocks.  A smaller, stocky man with a fat face and balding hair greeted him; it was John Underwood for sure.  He hadn’t changed at all.  He was dressed in khaki slacks and a tropical shirt, along with leather beach sandals, and after the few seconds it took for his eyes focus, a look of amazement came to his chubby face.

            “I don’t believe it, Seth Marks?! Is this real? I thought you were dead!” The last few words he spoke made a cold chill run down Seth’s spine.  He figured everyone believed him to be dead, but hearing someone actually say it made it frighteningly real.

            “How goes it Underwood?”

            “Life is shit! How are you old friend?”

            “I’m alive, I guess that counts for something, eh?  Do you have a few minutes?”

            “Of course, come in. Sorry about the mess, but my wife and I split up and I’m still getting used to doing all this shit by myself.” Seth wondered if Underwood would be receptive to his plans, and wondered just how close he considered the two of them.  Seth sat in the black leather recliner in the center of the living room, and Underwood sat to the side, on an abused floral sofa.  Seth took a couple minutes to explain how he had survived a coma, and how he was trying to get his life back.  He had initially wanted to seek out his wife first, but his growing infatuation with his shooter had clouded his mind, and he could think of nothing else.

            “I am trying to track down the guy that shot me, Underwood.  What do you remember from those days? Any info you can give me would be helpful; my mind isn’t quite normal yet, and I seemed to have blocked out most of it.” Seth had a look of deep concentration and determination in his eyes, a thirst for knowledge that was brought out by the serious tone used when he spoke.  Underwood stared at him for a moment, as though wondering where to begin.

            “Well, do you remember the guy that snuck into your house?  The one we chased out?  I think the whole gang of us were there that night.  How unfortunate that six guys couldn’t take down one man, but that’s neither here nor there.”  This particular memory only surfaced to Seth as Underwood spoke.  “Mark, David, Olsen, Wyatt, you, and me.  We were discussing the precautions we were going to take after our screw up of that client of yours’ money.  I mean, really though, who puts all their money into the advice of a broker? A real nut job if you ask me.  Kind of explains the visitor we got though I guess.”

            “So we agree that the man that broke in that night worked for my client?”  Another step closer.

            “Well, who else would send someone to kill you?”

            After these words, Seth asked the most important question of the visit.  “Do you remember the client’s name? I should know it from memory, but as you can guess, I’m not exactly ripe for the picking, if you know what I mean.”

            “No idea, it’s been four years since I’ve even thought about it.  After you died,” he stopped for a second, and then corrected himself, “err, you know what I mean, the brokerage split up, and we decided to burn all of our documentation so that whoever came after you didn’t find out who we were.  We all sort of put it out of our heads, you know? Kind of hard to get on with your life if you are looking over your shoulder and living in fear.”

            This came as no surprise to Seth; if he were in Underwood’s situation, he might have done the same thing. “Are any of the other guys still around? One of them has to remember the guy’s name.”

            “Hmm, well Mark got married and moved to Ontario, and David got run out of town after his wife caught him sleeping with his assistant, and I lost touch with him.  Olsen was hit by a car two years ago, another tragedy from my past.  Wyatt… well Wyatt and I sort of had an argument over some stupid ‘get rich’ scheme, and he found someone else to dive into the project, and I haven’t spoken to him since.” With each dead end, Seth became more and more depressed.  For a while, they sat quietly in the room, pondering past events, neither wanting to strike up more conversation, as their thoughts swirled around their heads. After a few minutes, Seth stood up. “Leaving so soon?” Underwood asked, as if they had always been best friends.  The truth was, they weren’t really that close, or at least Seth didn’t think so.

            “I have another place to go.  Maybe it will be a bit more useful than the last,” Seth said, and as he looked up, he noticed that Underwood had not picked up the hint that he was less than helpful.  “You, uh, wouldn’t want to accompany me somewhere, would you?”

            “I…sure, I guess.  Just let me change.”  Underwood ran upstairs, and after a couple of minutes, came back down with a shirt and tie on, and loafers.  He had a look of worry on his face.  “Seth, you’re not planning on going after this hitman guy are you? I mean, you’re a stockbroker for Christ’s sake, not a killer.  You’ll just give him another chance to finish the job.”  He had barely finished his sentence when Seth walked swiftly outside, where his cab was still waiting for him.  Choosing to ignore the worried questioning of his former colleague, he got into the cab, ushered Underwood to follow, and they set out.

            The gun shop lie just on the southwest outskirts of Savannah, an area Seth rarely went to.  The sidewalks were lined with outdoor craft kiosks, and a vast arrangement of people.  It had stopped raining, and there seemed to be some sort of miniature art festival going on.  A group of people were huddled together in an alley, seemingly rolling dice and betting money, from the conversations they were having as he and Underwood got out of the taxi.  There were bullet holes in the windows of the gun shop, which had metal reinforcement bars encasing them.  Graffiti decorated the brick of the old building.  Many sets of eyes stared at the two men, who looked a bit out of place, wearing dress shirts, and khakis.  Gathering himself, Seth reached for the door, and he and Underwood went inside.

            Rifles, pistols, and shotguns of all shapes and sizes decorated the place, and it had a military barracks feel to it.  An old man wearing a white tank top and black denim jeans stood behind the counter, his arms filled with tattoos, and he also seemed to be losing a war with male pattern baldness.  He spoke first.

            “Can I interest you in anything today?  Maybe you need a hunting license?”  He was being sarcastic of course, probably because of how the two were dressed.

            “Hunting license, no.  Information, yes.  How long have you worked here?”  Seth was wasting no time.  The vibe he was getting from the shop owner was not the kind that liked small talk.  Not with his type, at least.

            “Since I opened the store fifteen years ago, Sonny.  You guys here to audit me or something?” He started stacking newspapers and magazines on the counter hastily.

            “We’re not here to cause any trouble mister….”

            “Mister’s fine.  Are you here to buy anything or just waste both of our time?”

            “Maybe a little bit of both.”  He had planned to get some info from the guy, and maybe pick up some backup for himself for the future.  Underwood stared intently at Seth as he spoke.  “Do you have any older pistols that take 6mm ammo?”

            “Not so much anymore, just the generic stuff,” replied the store owner. “The damn government restricts everything nowadays.  Don’t have any of the old beauties I used to carry.  Man, those were the days.”

            “But you still carry the ammo?”  The man behind the counter nodded.  “And do you have any regular customers that buy the ammo, possibly in large quantities?”

            “Listen, if it didn’t sell, I wouldn’t carry it.  Lots of people come in here getting all sorts of things, and more than just a few people buy 6mm ammo.  Guns don’t just vanish after a few years you know.”

            “Look, there’s a good reason why we’re here.  I was assaulted by a hitman four years ago, and he shot me with 6mm ammo.  If you have ever seen anything suspicious, please… I need to find out who he is.”

            “I don’t want any trouble sir, if you have some sort of personal vendetta, I don’t want to be a part of it.  If you‘re not here to be a customer, please leave.”  The store owner was closing the conversation just as quickly as he started it.  His sarcasm was gone, but replaced with a stern dislike for Seth.  A dead end.  Seth gave up, and started shopping for a weapon.  After a few moments, he decided to pick up a police issue Glock 9mm handgun, stocked himself with enough bullets to kill fifty hitmen, and the two set out for Underwood’s place.

            “Not much help, was he?”  Underwood stated, after they had gotten back onto the main highway.  Seth looked out the window of the taxi, as if the passing city would give him the answers he needed.  He was deflated from the day’s progress.  He had run into nothing but dead ends, and had now run out of leads.  The taxi came to a stop at Underwood’s house, interrupting Seth’s thoughts.  Underwood got out, and took two steps towards the door before turning, and giving one final plea to Seth.

            “Leave it alone, friend.  Please.  You’re going to get yourself killed.  You’re going after a trained killer, with nothing but a pistol you probably don’t even know how to fire.  It’s craziness, all of it.”  After a moment of Seth’s stare, Underwood gave up.  “Listen, if you need anything, you know where to find me.  We may not be the best of friends, but I’m there for you.  You can’t have many friends, after being away for so long.  Good night, Seth.” Underwood set off up the path to his front door, and Seth for his hotel, where his thoughts kept him up long enough for the sun to start rising before he finally fell asleep.

. . .


            “I’ve got work for you.”

            “Be right there.”

            It had been almost a week since Carter had last worked, and he felt the downtime almost maddening.  He descended from the rooftop on Karn Street, one of his favorite places to relax, and began walking toward his next assignment.

            He approached the house twenty minutes later, and as he got closer, noticed the house looked as eerie as ever.  The only difference was that the shutters had a new coat of the deep red Carter had linked to the color of blood.  Taking in the air of the last day of summer, Carter stepped inside.  All the way at the back of the house was a room with double doors, a room Carter was most familiar with.  Before this, Carter was simply a seventeen year old boy with a trust fund, no ambitions, and a reputation for being weird.  Few liked to converse with him, in school or otherwise, because he was the quiet type.  After graduating high school, Carter simply stayed at home; he cared little for everyday life.  For months, including his eighteenth birthday, he spent his days locked in his room, reading horror novels and listening to the kind of music religious families cringe at the very thought of.  It was easy to slip into darkness, because no one bothered to teach him otherwise.

            Then one day, something happened.  He found himself having a conversation with a strange older man with burns on his face in a bookstore about Anne Rice. The man stated that he enjoyed Rice’s focus on love, death, immortality, and existentialism, in relation to vampires.  Carter added that he enjoyed reading Rice during her Atheist years, before she resorted back to Catholicism.  This must have been what the man wanted to hear, as he started asking questions of all kinds, much like an interview.  Carter, who usually wasn’t much for conversation, found himself deeply entertained by the context of this particular encounter.

            It took about three hours for the man to formally introduce himself.  His name was Tom Vulcan, and for the years that followed, he was Carter’s only friend.  The old man opened Carter’s eyes to all sorts of things, and before long was mentoring him.  His methods were strategic, his motives pure.  He was training Carter to kill, and Carter did not reject his teachings.  This same man was still the puppet master for all of Carter’s work today.  It was this same man that Carter was about to see now.

            When he entered the room, he looked for his employer, and found him sitting behind a desk near the back.  Tom was tapping the ends of his fingers together, with his elbows on the desk.  He had a look of worry on his face.

            “Timothy Parker, I’d like you to meet Shadow.”  Tom never disclosed Carter’s identity, and Carter showed him the same respect.  Carter looked around the room, and found Timothy standing near the window.  He had guessed that his random glances outside the window were keeping the man from sitting down.  “Please, tell him why you’re here Mr. Parker,” Tom continued.  He wasted no time with this sort of thing.

            “It’s my wife.  She’s been cheating on me for a while, and now she’s gone.”  He glanced out of the window as if he were expecting trouble.  “Yesterday.  Came home, and all her stuff was gone.  She left.  No note, no goodbye, nothing. “  Seeing no change in emotion from Carter, he got aggravated. “She’s gone!” He was screaming now.

            “Mr. Parker,” interrupted Tom.  “You’re going to have to calm down.  Shadow here doesn’t much like being yelled at.  Get’s him a bit nervous, you see.  And that can be bad.  Now, please tell him the rest.”

            “Sorry.  I can’t believe she’s gone is all.”  His face was now red, and his eyes were beginning to glaze.  “She means everything to me, and I can’t stand the thought of her with anyone else.”

            Carter waited until it was obvious he wasn’t going to continue on before speaking, in a very monotone voice.  “So you want me to kill your wife?”

            “Lord no!” Parker answered.  “I love her.  No, I want you to kill her boss, the man she’s been seeing.  With him out of the way, she’ll be forced to come back home.  She’ll have nowhere else to go.”  He was openly sobbing now, but still had the look of a determined man.  “Yes, I think that will do the trick.  Her boss’ name is…”

            “Thank you, Mr. Parker.  I can handle it from here,”  Tom interrupted again.  Something was different about him.  “I’ll show you out.  I can explain the rest of the details without you.  I’ll let you know when it’s finished.”  Two sets of footsteps trickled away on the hardwood floor, and then moments later, one returned.  Tom shut the door behind him, and sat back down, looking equally as troubled as he was before.

            “Carter, this is going to be a difficult mission for you.  Part of me wanted to send this man off, and have nothing to do with it.  I’ll leave the decision to you.”  Tom hesitated, taking in Carter’s look, which was that of a puzzled man, yet still dark as ever.  “Carter…”
            “Out with it,” Carter said, sounding rather impatient.

            “The man he’s asking to be killed… it’s your father, Carter.”  Tom looked deeply now at Carter, surveying every inch of him, waiting for a reaction.  Carter, however, did not change expression at all, but seemed to be deep in thought.  A memory had come to his mind…

            “James, get your ass down here!”  A man in his forties was standing at the foot of a staircase.  This was the earliest memory Carter had of his father.  Martin Carter was an entrepreneur, starting an oil company that lead him to vast riches and a very involved adulthood, filled with house parties, conferences, and business trips.  The house was constantly filled with pompous, rich, money-hungry, fame-seeking people of all ages and ethnicities, all of whom gave Carter a bad taste in his mouth.  He spent most of his childhood hiding from these events, merely observing from a downstairs coat closet, or the top of the stairs.  He hated these people, as they were the people that were keeping him from having a normal life.  As he grew older, he began merely leaving such scenes.  He hated the smiles these people faked, the money they spent to make themselves happy, and the overall vanity that filled the auras of all of his father’s friends.

            “I’m leaving for a week or so, and I want you to try to behave yourself.  I don’t want you screwing up this families reputation due to your idiotic tendencies.  If you get into any trouble while I’m gone, I will find out about it, and there will be hell to pay, do you hear me?”

            A twelve year old boy, scared shitless, could only reply “Yes, sir.”  There were many memories like this one, and not a single positive memory in his brain about the man.

            After moments of silent reflection, Carter spoke softly.  “I’ll do it.”

            “Carter, I feel that some anger and rage may surface with this mission, and you’re way too important to me to have you falling into a harmful state of mind.  You have to be clear headed to do what you do, and you can’t let anything affect the task you have in front of you.”

            Carter seemed unaffected.  “I said I’ll do it.  I don’t question you, please show me the same luxury.”  He stared intently at Tom, whose burn scars on his face seemed to only grow as he got older.  He wore a coat, resembling a cape, which had a collar that he kept flipped up, covering the lower half of his face.  Yet, as much as he tried, he couldn’t  help but look much the same as he did when they first met.

            “Okay.  You of course have the address,”  Tom let out a small sigh.  “And I’m sure you know better than anyone else how to get into the estate.  The only information I have for you is that Parker’s wife is supposedly living there, and you are not to harm her while accomplishing your mission.  Also, there are now four people employed by your father to maintain the upkeep of the estate.  You’re sure you want to do this?”  Once again, Tom was misjudging Carter’s feelings for his father.

            “I can assure you, sir, that Martin Carter means little more to me than the stranger that just left here.  He didn’t even mourn my mother’s death.  He’s a cruel human being.”  And with that, Carter turned, and left the house.  As he walked down the sidewalk, he thought about the man that had never once called himself Carter’s father.  When he was a young boy, all Carter wanted was for his dad to be a parent to him.  Now he would be killing the last thread of hope of having a real family.  Too late to change my mind now, he thought, and put it out of his mind as he started back towards Gwen’s.


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